#so basically 'I find your ADHD frustrating and can't give you a good reason' and 'toxic positivity is the expectation in XIV communities'
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ooc-miqojak · 1 year ago
The State of AAA Games in the Modern Era
"Before the internet became a core facet of gaming, if a studio dropped an unfinished game, that game stayed unfinished." "If a game launched in a poor state, that became the game's legacy."
And a quote from the video linked in #2 in my sources below: "This corporate mindset has encouraged studios to ship now, fix later, and exploit the wallets of players for years down the road. And oftentimes we do see some of the lead developers from these studios even brag about how to pull off this scheme at GDC conferences: [Quote from developer] 'Overdelivery is actually dangerous. With every release that you put out there, you're setting a pattern for your community and for your players. Because it's hard to tell a team, a team that has extra cycles and they have energy and they wanna do something amazing and know how to do it and it totally would be amazing and awesome for the game! Sometimes we have to tell them, like, we shouldn't ship this because it's an overdelivery. Beware of overdelivery, overdelivery is actually dangerous.' "
These are objective facts that people were ready to tear my throat out about during what I thought was a fact-based, adult debate earlier today. Instead, I just had people repeatedly say the same thing to me over and over: "But games still had bugs on console!" Which was something I never countered. I even agreed! My point, however, was that bugs in games were much rarer, and far less impactful to the overall experience of the game - and modern games are often released in a half-finished state, with bugs that massively impact gameplay - just look at Cyberpunk 2077. It's notorious for that very thing! And yet, more than one person was willing to twist my words, and take things out of context (repeatedly trying to nitpick things like Pokemon Gen 1 bugs - things that were not relevant to the discussion, as they were not bugs even remotely comparable to those in modern AAA games upon release) to desperately cling to some idea that console games were released in as bad of a state as modern games are? I don't know why, when console games would have literally killed consoles and gaming as a hobby, if they had been regularly released in as bad of a state as current digital/online only games currently are. It's a fact, and not an opinion that more games in the modern era release in a half-finished, buggy state that makes games unplayable upon release. That is not an opinion. Here's another article about it! (There's lots of videos/articles about this very thing, with just a cursory Google search.)
Yes, console games had bugs - and the ones notorious for those bugs that made story or gameplay basically impossible... bombed! A modern game, like Cyberpunk, that releases with massive bugs? Simply promises to keep patching the unfinished product, which you could not do on a physical product. This is a fact, and not an opinion. Someone claimed that console games would just make a better version, and re-release the game... which doesn't amount to much, because the game already has a bad rep, and no one will pay twice for the same thing (were your parents going to buy you the same $40-60 game a second time back then? Doubtful. No one in their right mind would.), nor would you trust that publisher a second time. That's not the same thing as releasing Cyberpunk in a half-made state, unplayable and bug-ridden and missing core/promised features, and just... finishing it over the next couple years after taking people's money for the half-baked product that wasn't what you promised. They're not asking you to pay for the game twice, they're just making you buy an unfinished product that won't be complete for another year or so (if it ever is). As the video states, there were two years of class action lawsuits - which I don't recall hearing about with console games, because you simply couldn't release only a partial part of a game you claimed was complete, and hope people stuck around for patches, because you couldn't just try and clean up your mess once a disc or cartridge was purchased. If there were incomplete textures, and you couldn't progress the story/engage in gameplay due to game-breaking bugs, that was it. You were screwed.
The modern era and advent of online-only products has led to AAA publishers releasing more and more unfinished products with game-breaking bugs because "we can fix it later"/it's cheaper to fix after launch/because executives simply don't care how it impacts the players, because they have pre-order money in their pockets already/they continue to mistreat the devs of the games, and force them to release unfinished products, and move on to the next cash-grab. These are facts. Not opinions.
Anyways, here's more fact-based sources. One
Three...this video is even from five years ago! (And quotes someone from 8 years prior to that stating that: "The answer for us as publishers is to actually sell unfinished games..."
Next time you find yourself heated by facts that aren't opinions, don't attack the person dealing out the facts, and claim they said something they didn't say - especially if it's the exact opposite of something they said multiple times. Once you start taunting and being childish in a debate, it becomes clear you're not an adult, and shouldn't be partaking in serious, adult conversations - no matter the topic. Objective facts may make you mad, but hey - I'm mad that modern games release in a shitty state thanks to being fully online these days, and not releasing in a physical state that encourages Publishers to release a full, and mostly bug-free game (free of bugs that impact gameplay or story in a serious way, at least. The occasional NPC glitched into a wall or the sky isn't a huge deal, and a wacky texture here and there is mostly hilarious.) Anyways, Donald Trump simply attacks people who use facts in a debate! Don't be like Donald Trump. Don't choose to attack the other person, instead of using objective-based-facts to debate/discuss things. Debates shouldn't make you mad - they should be interesting, and enlightening, and you (or the other person, or all parties) should learn from them. And inevitably, in fact based discussions...someone is wrong! I'm often wrong. I like learning new things. But letting your emotions guide you in a fact based discussion that is very literal and not rooted in emotional appeals... just makes a mess.
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ik-jams · 8 years ago
BTS Reaction: They find out their S/O has a chronic illness when she/he has a bad episode.
I hope you like it @little-miss-sherlock Lots of lub to youu 💕💕
Smol Warning: This involves certain health issues that.. Well, I don't know if it would offend anyone that I'm writing about chronic illnesses I don't understand fully. I looked up the symptoms of all these and I'm going with that, if you know you'll get mad or your sensitive to this material please don't read.
~ Kim Seokjin/Prince Jin:
Jin always heard you talking to yourself but he felt it was normal for people to do so and he found it cute. Until one day you forgot to take your medication. Your mind was everywhere you kept telling the wall to "Shut up" then-
Jin: Y/n? Are you okay? What's wrong? Look at me.
You: Who are you? Where am I? Where's mom?
Jin: What? Y/n. It's Jin.
You: Jin? Like... Gin?
Jin: No with a J.
He decided to take you to the doctors and surprisingly he found the one you go to for medication. Everyone seemed to know you, know what was going on and he found out you had schizophrenia.
Your personality was all over the place, you heard voices, and sometimes short losses of memory. When he found out he was extremely confused and mad. Why would you hide something so serious from him?
Jin: Explain.
You: I was ashamed.. Embarrassed. Who would want to date someone like me? I didn't want you to leave me..
You: I'm sorry..
Jin: -Holds you and kisses your forehead- I've told you. I'll love you till the day I die no matter how cheesy that sounds, it's true.
Jin: We'll work together, and I'll take care of you. You'll never have to deal with this alone.
Jin: I love you.
~ Suga/Min Yoongi:
While you and Yoongi were going out to get grocery's you had fainted. Immediately he dropped everything to get you to a hospital.
Yoongi: What happened?
Doctor: Have they not told you? They've been here a few times.
Yoongi: For what?
Doctor: Their medication. We have them on two at the moment. They have GAD. Which stands for Generalized Anxiety Disorder. They fainted for lack of sleep. Their anxiety is very bad, she/he has horrid thoughts of her/himself, she/he has told us about her/his troubles sleeping, she/he has had thoughts of death, now that you know please do take care of her/him.
He was furious that you didn't tell him. He wanted you to trust him with everything and it definitely seemed like you did but to know you hid something involving your health he questioned how much trust you actually had in him.
Yoongi: Why didn't you tell me?
You: It's always made people back of from me.
You: It has ruined so many past relationships and I just don't want to lose you. I love and care about you so much Min Yoongi, I couldn't risk it.
Yoongi: But you could risk your health?
Yoongi: You know everything about me and after hearing you didn't leave me. What makes you think that THIS would want to make me leave you?
Yoongi: Anything you need just ask. Your health is the most important thing because you are important to to me.
~ J-hope/Jung Hoseok:
You both were about to go to bed, at the time Hobi stayed over and when he went to go ask you something he saw you scrambling to find something.
Hobi: Y/n?
You: -You jump slightly- Yes?
Hobi: What are you looking for? Can I help you?
You: No. It's nothing, just needed a sleeping pill so I can sleep well.
Hobi: If you don't find them there's many ways I could help you sleep.
You: Today. I think I just want to cuddle with you Hoseok.
Later while he had fallen asleep, you went back to look for your medication. Then you started tantrum-ing, sobbing. getting emotional, you broke glass, and you weren't yourself. Of course Hoseok heard and ran out to see if you were okay or what was going on. He saw you sobbing on the ground, your hands bleeding from shards of glass that were on the floor.
Hobi: Oh my god. Y/n? Come with me. I'm taking you to a doctor.
You: Leave me alone, Go away! I don't need your help.
Hobi: Yes you do. Come here. -slowly approaching you-
You: I'm warning you to get away!
Once he manages to grab you and semi calm you down he takes you to a doctor and he found out you have a extreme Bipolar disorder, He was frustrated and heart broken that you never told him, and that he had to find out like this. When he saw you, you were going to talk but he didn't want to hear you.
Hobi: Don't you talk. Listen.
Hobi: Don't ever hide anything like this from me again. Do you understand? I thought that I took care of you well and to know that I wasn't able to help you for this, wasn't able to take care of you better is the worst thing I have ever felt.
Hobi: Understand that I love and care for you and I want to take care of you till the end.
You: I was just worried you wouldn't be able to handle it. And you would leave, just like everyone else.
Hobi: Then I'm offended that I'm just "Everyone else" to you. I am your boyfriend, your lover, and someone who wants to take care of you like you take care of me.
Hobi: So let me.
~ Rap Monster/Namjoon:
You: Do you what an Inhaler looks like?
Nams: I guess I do, why?
You: Random thought.
You and Namjoon took walks around beautiful areas a lot and walked to your house a lot. You looked through your bag to check if you had your inhaler and for some reason it was gone. You know you had taken it and you were worried because you might need it.
Nams: Y/n why do you have this? -He holds up your inhaler which you take from him immediately-
You: I'm taking it to someone later.
Nams: Don't lie to me.
You: I don't lie.
Nams: That was a lie. Do you have asthma?
Nams: Answer me, Y/n.
You: Yes, I have asthma!
Nams: Why didn't you tell me?
You: Because I was embarrassed. It's embarrassing to breathe from a tube in public or in front of you.
You: And I figured you wanted to date someone normal. Someone who isn't bothersome and you won't have to worry about so much.
Nams: Baby, You don't ever need to feel embarrassed, I still love you, I'm falling in love with your personality. I love you just as you are and I will take care of you, alright?
Nams: From now on, tell me everything and anything. Nothing can change how I feel about you.
Park Jimin/Chimichanga:
You liked asking Jimin to teach you dance whether you were good or not didn't matter, it was just fun to move around to the beat of music, but today you forgot your pain killers so you were limping and falling a lot. .
Jimin: Are you okay? You're very off.
You: Just dandy.
Jimin: What's wrong?
You: Nothing.
Jimin: What's. Wrong?
You: I have Chronic pain, which is basically forever pain in the same place... I have it in my knee.
You: anddd oh my gkkdbd it's cramping up. Can you go get my pain killers please??
Jimin: Why didn't you tell me??
You: Because knowing you, You wouldn't let me out the damn house.
You: Even if we don't live together. I know you'd somehow watch me.
Jimin: I would let you out..
You: 1 step out the door would be too far for you.
Jimin: I just care about you.
You: I know but what you CAN do is help me with the medicine and take me to my doctors appointments.
Jimin: I can't drive...
You: You can accompany me to my doctors appointments.
V/Kim Taehyung:
When Tae came over to hang out with you, he opened the door with the spare key you gave him.
Tae: Honey!!! I'm hommee!
You guys had this joke where you acted like a married couple. You usually replied with something funny as well but you couldn't.
Taehyung went to the kitchen only to find you crouched, leaning against the wall behind you, and holding your head.
Tae: Y/n! Are you alright?
You: Medicine. Please. -You point to a cabinet- Get a white and blue bottle.
After he gave you the medicine and you were feeling a bit better you guys started talking.
You: Why are you here so early?
Tae: I wanted to surprise you but you surprised me. Are you okay?
You: I'm fine now. I mean, it'll happen tomorrow, the next day, the next, and after that, then so on.
Tae: That's impossible.
You: Not if you have a Migraine.
Tae: How come I didn't know?
You: I was embarrassed, I'm pretty sure you didn't want to date someone who was forever sick so it was nice knowing you—
Tae: Shhhtsh I'm staying and caring for you, and cuddling you, and being with you until the day I die.
Jeon Jungkook/Kookie:
You didn't hide it from Jungkook but you also haven't told him.
You'll take your medicine in front him and when he asks you say your sick.
But you've been sick for the whole year you guys have been dating so of course he is going to get suspicious.
You: I read a new book~
JK: Yeah you told me about it. You're on page 289, It's interesting, and you would like to find more from that author.
You: When did I.. You know I probably have bed memory.
JK: You told me about this book four times.
You: I have? Oh wow.
JK: How'd you forget after four times?
You: Ah hmm, I have ADHD, bad memory, bad at paying attention. um um oh wow suddenly I'm bored. Did I bring my pills??
JK: I don't think so, let's go home alright?
You: Yeah, sorry I didn't tell you. I just, it's not attractive. Yeah.
JK: I'd still love you with any sickness, how you talk to me, treat me, take care of me, love me, and your personality is what made me fall in love with you.
You: Thanks Bunny boy.
JK: Let's eat at Wagwan after alright?
You: I heard they give out Snickers now. I don't know why but I'm down.
JK: You're adorable.
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